Somewhat fast way to get champs stats into my massive spreadsheet!
Here is a way to get all your Raid Shadow Legends Champion stats into my spreadsheet fairly quickly (compared to doing each stat one at a time.) This is also a great way to go through and add your champs into the sheet if you haven't yet! Note this method ONLY works on PC, you cant use the extractor tool for emulators like Bluestacks unfortunatly.
Note 2, this extractor DOES NOT take into account the great hall or mastery bonus's, it only shows the Champ plus gear so keep that in mind!!!!
First, you need the latest Raid Extractor tool found here -
Run it and select "output to website" then open my MASSIVE spreadsheet database tier list found here -
Open the spreadsheet, go to the sort and filter button and pick "custom Sort"
From there sort by your account then by champion so it only shows the ones you own up top BUT has all others listed below so you can add any champs you hadn't listed yet.
From the extractor tool simply copy the champs info, I'd do like 5 or so at a time until your really comfortable with what your doing.
In Word, right click where you want to paste and select "Keep Text Only"
I go through and delete the type info ie SO-ESM stuff and add a space and a dash after the champs name, just so it's cleaner to read. Also delete any of the 1 and 2 * garbage champs, most except Arminger and a couple others aren't in my spreadsheet.
Now go to the find and replace, for find what put ^p and in replace with put ^t
The list will be a little messy, I'd suggest you go through and hit enter before each champ's name to help clean it up and make it much easier to read.
This will allow you to now copy the lines and paste into Excel much faster, instead of one stat at a time you can copy and paste all the champs stats at once. Paste in Excel using right click and select the second clipboard that says "Match destination formatting" to keep the cell color and formatting intact.
Sounds complicated but it really isn't, you'll fly through your champs REALLY quick and now have all the stats to compare champs and see where to improve!!!
You "CAN" paste multiple stats into Excel if your really, REALLY careful! Make sure the champs from the list your copying are in the EXACT order in Excel, see the pictures below.